Research Hightlight

Academic Journal
Issue 1 Journalism ISSN 0125-8192 (Print) Published year 1, issue 1, 2004
ISSN 2697-4916 (Online) Published Year 12, Issue 2, 2019

It is a quarterly academic journal of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. Thammasat University This is an article that meets the criteria of Thammasat University, including

1. บทความวิเคราะห์วิจัย (Research Article)
2. เอกสารกรณีศึกษา (Case Material)
3. บทความสำรวจวิชา (Survey Article)
4. บทความวิจารณ์ (Review Article)
5. บทความทางวิชาการ (Theoretical Article)
6. รายงานสำรวจ (Survey Report)
This does not include the thesis of the author of the article. Article type of translation and handouts

The deadline for accepting the manuscript is as follows:

* Issue 1 (January – April) manuscript closes on November 30.
* Issue 2 (May-August) manuscript closes on February 28, and
* Issue 3 (September - December) manuscript closes on June 30.

Academic Journal
Issue 2 Media and Communication Inquiry ISSN 2697-5084 (Print) Published year 1, issue 1, 2019
ISSN 2697-5173 (Online) Published year 1, issue 1, 2019
Media and Communication Inquiry

The Media and Communication Inquiry (MCI) journal presents academic works in the form of Research Articles and Academic Articles, which focus on media or communication in various contexts. The journal is published twice a year:

1st Issue: January – June
2nd Issue: July – December

All published articles undergo a quality assessment by at least three experts to comply
with the Office of the Higher Education Commission's announcement on criteria and
procedures for appointing academic positions, 2022.
- No publication fees are charged.
- Submission channel:
- For further inquiries, please contact us via email at
or by phone at 02-613-2734